Sunday 16 August: The Foolish Farmer



Please take a photo of your completed sheet and email to or send a WhatsApp to 07904 196673.  Remember to include your name and age. 

If you don't have a printer...

We would still love to see you have watched this week’s lesson, so if you can’t print one of the worksheets above, please try as many questions from your age range below:

Suggested for ages 12+



Please take a photo of your completed sheet and email to or send a WhatsApp to 07904 196673.  Remember to include your name and age. 

If you don't have a printer...

We would still love to see you have watched this week’s lesson, so if you can’t print one of the worksheets above, please try as many questions from your age range below:

Suggested for ages 12+



Please take a photo of your completed sheet and email to or send a WhatsApp to 07904 196673.  Remember to include your name and age. 

If you don't have a printer...

We would still love to see you have watched this week’s lesson, so if you can’t print one of the worksheets above, please try as many questions from your age range below:

Suggested for ages 12+