Human beings are all religious. Whether we admit it or not. Religion is defined as “the belief in and worship of a supreme power or person”. Our world has an estimated 10,000 distinct religions. The sheer variety and number of religions is bewildering and confusing.
The question we must ask is whether we our religion is true, real, and transformative of our lives or false, powerless and damaging.

Is Religion Dying?
We are told that the western world is turning away from religion. But history shows that humanity wants and needs some form of religion. We all believe in and worship something or someone in our lives e.g. celebrities, sportspeople or social media influencers.
Why Are We So Religious?
It seems we need something higher, bigger and better to believe in. It’s the way we are as limited human beings. We have a desire to look beyond ourselves, to admire, to dream of something much, much better. To believe in a Saviour.
We also need a set of values, morals and ethics. Imagine a world where there was no right and wrong. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes, the law of the jungle! Sadly, there have been times like this in the world’s history.
We are also wired to admire, love, to believe and worship. Even if we try to turn away from formal religion, the evidence shows we merely replace it with something else.

We are as well eternal beings, as we all know death is not the end. An afterlife has been programmed into our thinking. It’s why the Egyptians built the enormous pyramids; to prepare for the afterlife. They saw death as merely the beginning of a journey to another world. Many fear death e.g. not waking up after an anaesthetic and the effects of the ageing process on their health. We know death isn’t the end.
So which religion is real and what should we believe in?
Does our religion transform our life for good?
It stands to reason that if there is a God and a real religion, then God would reveal Himself clearly and carefully to all people, regardless of where they live or when. The Bible tells us He has.
Nearly every religion has sacred writings, recording Divine revelation for humanity. If there is a God, He would reveal Himself powerfully and personally to all who seek the truth and give evidence for His existence and make Himself available to all. The Bible tells us He has.

If there is a real God and a real religion, He will change lives for the better. His laws for life will be holy and He will be able to deal with the dominating problem of the world: the human heart and its sin. The Bible tells us He has.
This is exactly what Christianity teaches. It reveals a real, personal and knowable God. One who has revealed Himself through Creation. Has made Himself knowable through the coming of Jesus Christ to earth, and in the Bible.
As a Holy God, He tells us we must live holy lives. He also shows us we don’t and can’t because our hearts are sinful. This is the real problem of the human heart – sin which is not following God’s perfect way.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to solve the greatest problem of the world. He promises to give eternal life freely and cleanse our lives from sin. To remove the fear of death. He gives what the Bible calls “new life”, real, spiritual life in Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ made a staggering statement when He said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me” John 14:6. No other religion promises this.
Come and hear the Gospel, every Sunday at 6.30pm
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Providence Baptist Chapel, Rothsay Rd, Bedford